March 28, 2025

Control Systems and Control Engineering Tutorials

On this page, you can find

  • Tutorials on classical control and analysis methods
  • Tutorials on state-space control and analysis methods
  • Tutorials on nonlinear control and analysis methods
  • Tutorials on system identification
  • Tutorials on state estimation techniques
  • Tutorials on adaptive control
  • Tutorials on model predictive control
  • Tutorials on the implementation of the control and estimation algorithms in C and C++
  • Tutorials on the implementation of the control and estimation algorithms in Python
  • Tutorials on the implementation of the control and estimation algorithms in MATLAB
  • Applied control engineering tutorials

Almost every tutorial is accompanied by a YouTube tutorial.

Tutorials on Classical Control and Analysis Methods

Below are the tutorials on classical control engineering methods. The tutorials are based on the Laplace transform, frequency domain analysis and design, and transfer function analysis and design.

Linear State-Space Control System Analysis and Control Design Method Tutorials

Below are the tutorials on linear state-space models as well as tutorials on linear state-space control system analysis and design.

System Identification Tutorials

Below are tutorials on system identification.

State and Parameter Estimation Tutorials

Here, we present state and parameter estimation tutorials.

Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Nonlinear Control Tutorials

Below are tutorials on nonlinear dynamical systems and nonlinear control.

Adaptive Control Tutorials

Below are tutorials on adaptive control.

Model Predictive Control Tutorials

Below are tutorials on Model Predictive Control (MPC)

Tutorials on Control and Estimation Algorithms in C and C++

Below are tutorials on the implementation of control and estimation algorithms in C and C++ programming languages.

Tutorials on Control and Estimation Algorithms in Python

Tutorials on Control and Estimation Algorithms in MATLAB and Simulink

Applied control engineering tutorials

Here, we present applied control engineering and estimation tutorials explaining how to control or estimate the state of mechanical, electric, robotics, or mechatronics systems.