Introduction to Eigen C++ Matrix Library
Eigen linear algebra library is a powerful C++ library for performing matrix-vector and linear algebra computations. This library can be used for the design and …
Eigen linear algebra library is a powerful C++ library for performing matrix-vector and linear algebra computations. This library can be used for the design and …
This is the final lecture on partial fraction expansion. The first and second parts of this lecture can be found here and here. The video …
We continue with the explanation of the partial fraction expansion. In the first part of this post, which can be accessed here, we explained the …
In this tutorial, we explain how to use recurrent neural networks and Keras/TensorFlow to learn the input-output behavior of dynamical systems. The codes used in …
In this post we explain partial fraction expansion. This is the first part. The second part is given here. Here is a video accompanying this …
In this video, we explain how to introduce damping into a finite element model of a thin plate. The video is given below. This video …
In this video, we explain how to simulate a thin plate deformation using the COMSOL Multiphysics modeling package. The video is given below. The continuation …
In this optimization tutorial, we explain how to solve multi-variable optimization problems in MATLAB. We use the MATLAB function fmincon(). We explain how to define …
In this post, we will learn how to numerically solve systems of nonlinear equations using the MATLAB programming language. These types of problems appear in …
In this post, we explain the purpose and basic usage of pull-up and pull-down resistors and we explain the purpose of interrupts in Raspberry Pi …