In this calculus and linear algebra tutorial, we will learn the following topics
- What is a minor of a matrix and how to calculate minors of a matrix
- What is a cofactor of a matrix and how to calculate cofactors of a matrix
- What is an adjugate matrix and how to calculate it
- How to invert a matrix by computing minors, cofactors, and matrix adjugate
In the follow-up tutorials, we explain how to use these definitions to compute the matrix inverse. In this tutorial, we will just state the general formula of matrix inverse in terms of minors, cofactors, and matrix adjugate.
Minor of a Matrix
DEFINITION OF A MINOR OF A MATRIX: For a square matrix, the minor is equal to the determinant of a submatrix obtained by deleting the
th row and
th column of the matrix.
Alternative (not rigorous) definition of a minor: Consider the matrix with its
entry denoted by
. Then the minor
corresponding to the entry
is calculated as a determinant of a submatrix obtained by erasing the row and the column to which the entry
belong to.
Now, let us learn how to calculate a minor of a matrix. The calculation of the minor is illustrated in the figure below.

In the figure above, we illustrate how to compute the minor of the 3 by 3 matrix
Since we want to compute the minor , corresponding to the entry
, we need to erase the row and the column to which this entry belongs. That is, we need to erase the row
and the column
. By doing this, we obtain a submatrix
defined by
Finally, the minor is defined as the determinant of this matrix:
Here is a complete list of all minors of this matrix
Cofactor of a Matrix
Next, we will define a cofactor of a matrix
DEFINITION OF A COFACTOR OF A MATRIX: The cofactor of a matrix, denoted by
, is defined by
From this definition, we see that the cofactor corresponding to the minor is simply computed as a signed minor. That is, we take the subscripts of the entry
, we add these subscripts together to obtain
, and then we compute the sign of the minor as
. The following matrix is filled with the signs of the corresponding minors:
where is the
minor of the matrix
. The matrix cofactors of our 3 by 3 matrix
are listed below
Adjugate Matrix
To define an adjugate matrix of the matrix A, we first need to define a matrix of cofactors. For clarity, we will state the definition for a 3 by 3 matrix. The definitions straightforwardly generalize for matrices of arbitrary dimensions. Consider again the matrix :
For such a matrix, we can define the cofactor matrix as follows
where is the
cofactor of the matrix
DEFINITION OF THE ADJUGATE MATRIX: The adjugate matrix of the matrix , denoted by
is defined by
that is, the adjugate matrix of the matrix is simply computed by transposing the matrix of cofactors. From (9), we have
Adjugate Matrix and Matrix Inversion
The formula for matrix inversion by using the adjugate matrix is given by