March 17, 2025

Natural Undamped Frequency, Damping Ratio, and Transfer Function of Mass-Spring Damper System

In this control engineering tutorial, we derive the natural undamped frequency, damping ratio, and transfer function of a mass-spring damper system. The YouTube tutorial is given below.

Consider the mass-spring-damper system shown in the figure below.

In the figure above, y is the displacement of the mass, m is mass, k_{d} is the damping constant, k_{s} is the spring constant, F is the external control force, and D is the external force disturbance. From Newton’s second law, we obtain

(1)   \begin{align*}m\ddot{y}+k_{d}\dot{y}+k_{s}y=F+D\end{align*}

where \ddot{y} is the acceleration, and \dot{y} is the velocity. Here, for simplicity, we have assumed a positive sign of the force disturbance.

Our goal is to transform the model (1) into the prototype transfer function form of the second-order system:

(2)   \begin{align*}\frac{Y(s)}{U(s)}=\frac{\omega_{n}^{2}}{s^{2}+2\zeta \omega_{n} s +\omega_{n}^{2}}\end{align*}


  • s is the complex Laplace variable
  • Y(s) is the Laplace transform of y(t)
  • U(s) is the Laplace transform of the control input u(t). The control input will be defined later on.
  • \omega_{n} is the natural undamped frequency
  • \zeta is the damping ratio

From (2), we have

(3)   \begin{align*}\big( s^{2}+2\zeta \omega_{n} s +\omega_{n}^{2} \big) Y(s) = \omega_{n}^{2} U(s)\end{align*}

By applying the inverse Laplace transform to the equation (3), we have

(4)   \begin{align*}\ddot{y}+2\zeta \omega_{n}\dot{y}+\omega_{n}^{2}y=\omega_{n}^{2}u(t)\end{align*}

On the other hand, by dividing (1) by m, we obtain

(5)   \begin{align*}\ddot{y}+\frac{k_{d}}{m}\dot{y}+\frac{k_{s}}{m}y=\frac{1}{m}F+\frac{1}{m}D\end{align*}

By comparing (4) and (5), we obtain

(6)   \begin{align*}2\zeta \omega_{n}  & = \frac{k_{d}}{m} \\ \omega_{n}^{2}  & = \frac{k_{s}}{m}\end{align*}

From the second equation in (6), we obtain the natural undamped frequency as a function of the spring constant k_{s} and the spring-mass m

(7)   \begin{align*}\omega_{n}  = \sqrt{\frac{k_{s}}{m}}\end{align*}

By substituting (7) in the first equation of (6), we obtain

(8)   \begin{align*}\zeta   & =\frac{1}{2\omega_{n}}\cdot \frac{k_{d}}{m} \\\zeta  &  = \frac{\sqrt{m}}{2\sqrt{k_{s}}} \cdot \frac{k_{d}}{m} \end{align*}

Finally, we obtain the damping ratio as the function of the damping constant k_{d}, spring-mass m, and spring constant k_{s}

(9)   \begin{align*}\zeta  &  =\frac{k_{d}}{2\sqrt{mk_{s}}}\end{align*}

By using (7) and (9) in (5), we obtain

(10)   \begin{align*}& \ddot{y}+2\zeta \omega_{n}\dot{y}+ \omega_{n}^{2}y=\frac{1}{k_{s}}\cdot \frac{k_{s}}{m}F+\frac{1}{k_{s}}\cdot \frac{k_{s}}{m}D\\& \ddot{y}+2\zeta \omega_{n}\dot{y}+ \omega_{n}^{2}y= \omega_{n}^{2}\frac{F}{k_{s}}+\omega_{n}^{2}\frac{D}{k_{s}}\end{align*}

By defining

(11)   \begin{align*}u(t)=\frac{F}{k_{s}}\\\bar{D}(t)=\frac{D}{k_{s}}\end{align*}

and by substituting (11) in the second equation of (10), we obtain

(12)   \begin{align*}\ddot{y}+2\zeta \omega_{n}\dot{y}+ \omega_{n}^{2}y= \omega_{n}^{2}u(t)+\omega_{n}^{2}\bar{D}(t)\end{align*}

By applying the Laplace transform to (12), we obtain the system description in the Laplace domain

(13)   \begin{align*}Y(s)=\frac{\omega_{n}^{2}}{s^{2}+2\zeta \omega_{n} s+\omega_{n}^{2}} U(s)+\frac{\omega_{n}^{2}}{s^{2}+2\zeta \omega_{n} s+\omega_{n}^{2}} \bar{D}(s)\end{align*}

where U(s) is the Laplace transform of u(t) and \bar{D}(s) is the Laplace transform of \bar{D}(t).