Fusion of Engineering, Control, Coding, Machine Learning, and Science

Natural Undamped Frequency, Damping Ratio, and Transfer Function of Mass-Spring Damper System

In this control engineering tutorial, we derive the natural undamped frequency, damping ratio, and transfer function of a mass-spring damper system. The YouTube tutorial is given below.

Consider the mass-spring-damper system shown in the figure below.

In the figure above, is the displacement of the mass, is mass, is the damping constant, is the spring constant, is the external control force, and is the external force disturbance. From Newton’s second law, we obtain


where is the acceleration, and is the velocity. Here, for simplicity, we have assumed a positive sign of the force disturbance.

Our goal is to transform the model (1) into the prototype transfer function form of the second-order system:



From (2), we have


By applying the inverse Laplace transform to the equation (3), we have


On the other hand, by dividing (1) by , we obtain


By comparing (4) and (5), we obtain


From the second equation in (6), we obtain the natural undamped frequency as a function of the spring constant and the spring-mass


By substituting (7) in the first equation of (6), we obtain


Finally, we obtain the damping ratio as the function of the damping constant , spring-mass , and spring constant


By using (7) and (9) in (5), we obtain


By defining


and by substituting (11) in the second equation of (10), we obtain


By applying the Laplace transform to (12), we obtain the system description in the Laplace domain


where is the Laplace transform of and is the Laplace transform of .

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