March 28, 2025

How to Correctly Define and Create Workobject Frames and Coordinate Systems for ABB Robot Programming in RobotStudio

In this ABB robotics and ABB RobotStudio tutorial, we explain how to

  • Model a 3D geometry in ABB RobotStudio. We explain how to model a box and how to adjust the dimensions of the modeled box in the ABB RobotStudio.
  • Properly define workobject frames or workobject coordinate systems by using a three-point method. Workobject frames are very important concept for robot programming. Namely, they are user-defined coordinate systems that are often aligned with a geometry of an object that the robot is working on. That is why they are called work objects. They are local coordinate systems attached to the work object and they make ABB robot programming much easier.
  • To easily move the robot in the defined work object frames.

The YouTube video tutorial is given below.