March 27, 2025

Tutorial on How to Interface Camera With ROS2 Jazzy Jalisco and OpenCV

In this lecture whose link is given below, you will learn how to use a camera in ROS2 Jazzy Jalisco. You will learn how to interface a camera with OpenCV and ROS2 Jazzy Jalisco. In the lecture, you will learn essential techniques that can be generalized and used in real-life applications, such as when a camera is used for computer vision in robotics. You can use any USB camera that can be recognized by Linux Ubuntu 24.04. You will get a lecture video, all the codes, and the 6-page manual thoroughly explaining how to implement the camera and OpenCV interface in ROS2 Jazzy Jalisco.

The lecture will teach you how to write publisher and subscriber nodes in ROS2 Jazzy Jalisco. The publisher node is used to record the camera frames (video) by using OpenCV. Then, the publisher node will transform these images into ROS2 messages that are communicated through an appropriate topic to the subscriber node. The subscriber node receives the ROS2 image messages and converts them back to the OpenCV image format. Finally, the images are displayed on the computed screen.

The lecture link is given below. You need to click on the robot image that will lead you to the lecture.

The YouTube trailer explaining what you will learn in the lecture is given below.