March 18, 2025

Optional Homework Assignment: Solving beam differential equation in the reversed coordinate system

Consider the cantilever beam shown in Fig. 1 below.

Note the location of the coordinate system center. Assume that length L, force F, modulus of elasticity E, and moment of inertia I are given.

a) Derive the equations of deformation y=y(F,L,E,I,x).
b) For a chosen (realistic) values of F, L, E, and I, plot the function y in MATLAB or in any other software that you know (Python, Mathematica).

Deadline: Friday, November 05, 2021, at 10:10 AM


– Number of points: 5 points on the final exam (however, both a) and b) have to be completed successfully).

– During the lectures on Friday, we explained how to solve the bending differential equation to compute the deformation in the y direction as a function of x. However, the coordinate system center was different from the coordinate center location in Fig. 1. Consequently, the mathematical forms of equations will be different for two coordinate system locations.