March 21, 2025

Blender Tutorial: Animate an Object Following a Predefined Trajectory

In this Blender tutorial, we will learn how to create an animation that demonstrates the object path following. First, we model a simple plate and we construct a path/trajectory that this plate needs to follow. Then we constrain the object to the path, and animate the movement of the object along the path. For clarity, and as a proof of principle, in this video tutorial, we deal with a relatively simple shape in order to explain the main concepts. You can easily expand this example and make it more realistic. In a more realistic scenario, this can be a mobile robot following a path.

Here is a detailed description of what you will learn in this Blender tutorial. You will learn the following:

1. How to constrain an object to follow a path.
2. How to animate the object motion.
3. How to change the texture of the object and how to change the background.
4. How to adjust the Blender camera.
5. How to render the animation by using a series of images.

Our tutorials are specially designed for students and engineers with mechanics, physics, mechatronics, and robotics backgrounds. The idea is to explain how to create animations of robots, drones, and similar mechatronics devices by using Blender. Also, we will create tutorials explaining how to use Blender for physics simulations and how to couple Blender with Python.

The YouTube video tutorial is given below.