March 21, 2025

How to Perform Clean Uninstall of VS Code (Visual Studio Code) in Windows

In this video tutorial, we explain how to correctly and completely uninstall Visual Studio Code – VS Code in Windows. The main motivation for creating this tutorial is that by simply removing VS Code from the add/remove program menu of Windows, you will not be able to uninstall VS Code completely. Namely, if you uninstall VS Code in that way, and if you install VS Code again, you will notice that some settings from the old installation of VS Code are automatically loaded in the new installation of VS Code. This is because of the fact that the “add/remove program” approach does not erase the cache or memory of the previous installation of VS Code. Consequently, besides removing VS Code, we also have to erase several folders in which settings of VS Code are stored. This is explained in the video. The procedure is

  1. Open add/remove program menu from the Windows start menu, and remove VS Code – HOWEVER, THIS IS NOT ENOUGH
  2. Erase the folder %APPDATA%\Code
  3. Erase the folder %USERPROFILE%\.vscode
  4. Make sure that the VS Code executable is not in the Windows path

The YouTube video explaining how to do this is given below.