March 20, 2025

How to Perform Clean Uninstall of TeXstudio Latex Editor in Linux Ubuntu

In this Latex tutorial, we explain how to perform clean and complete uninstall of TeXstudio latex editor in Linux Ubuntu 24.04. Although we are using Linux Ubuntu 24.04 everything explained in this tutorial applies to any other Linux Ubuntu version. The YouTube video accompanying this webpage tutorial is given below.

To uninstall TeXstudio latex editor, you need to perform the following steps. The steps we perform are based on the installation steps we performed in this tutorial.

First of all you need to erase the AppImage file you are using to run TeXstudio. Also, you need to erase the corresponding folder. In our case, the folder containing the AppImage is texstudio, and it is located in the home folder. We need to erase this folder and the AppImage file inside of that folder. To do that, we need to open a terminal and to type

cd ~
rm -rfv texstudio

Then, erase the desktop shortcut we installed. This shortcut is located in the folder “cd ~/.local/share/applications/”. Go to that folder and make sure that the shortcut file is there:

cd ~/.local/share/applications/
ls -la

and erase the desktop shortcut file:

rm -v ~/.local/share/applications/texstudio.desktop

Then go back to the home folder, an erase the configuration folder

cd ~

rm -rfv ~/.config/texstudio

Then, let us erase any of the remaining files or folders. We can do that by first installing plocate. Plocate is a very useful Linux command line tool for quickly searching files and folders. We can install plocate like this:

sudo apt install plocate
sudo updatedb

Then search for any file or folder containing the name textstudio.

plocate texstudio

Find the path of the file or folder and use

rm -rfv

to erase that file or folder.