March 21, 2025

How to Move and Jog an ABB Robot Using FlexPendant (Teach Pendant) – ABB Robotics Tutorial

In the tutorial whose video is given below, we explain how to move or in the robotics terminology, jog, an ABB Robot by using a FlexPendant. FlexPendant is a control box that comes with every ABB robot and it is used to control the robot. FlexPandant is also known as a teach pendant, since robots are often programmed by manually moving the robot to a desired point and then memorizing this point by using FlexPendant. That is, we manually teach FlexPendant what are the points we want our robot to move. In the tutorial we explain three motion modes

  1. Axis or joint motion mode – In this motion mode we can independently control every axis of rotation or every joint of the robot.
  2. Linear motion mode- In this motion mode, a predefined tool point of our robot will move linearly along predefined x, y, and z axes.
  3. Reorientation mode – In this motion mode a predefined tool point of our robot is fixed, and the robot rotates around the point.

The YouTube video explaining how to move and jog an ABB robot by using FlexPendant is given below.

The photo of FlexPendant is given below.