In this tutorial, we provide an introduction to feedback linearization, and how this method can be used to elegantly derive controllers of dynamical systems. We also provide Simulink block diagrams that simulate the closed-loop system. The YouTube video accompanying this tutorial is given below.
Our teaching philosophy is to explain the main ideas of an approach by using examples. Only in the later stage, the theory should be explained. That is, students should first obtain a strong hands-on knowledge of a concept, and in the later stage, they should enlarge and deepen their knowledge by studying the theory. Accordingly, by following this approach we explain the feedback linearization by using an example.
Let us consider a pendulum system shown in the figure below.
In our previous tutorial, which can be found here, we derived an equation of motion of this system. The equation of motion is given below
We rewrite this equation as follows
Next, we introduce the state-space variables
In our previous tutorial, we explained how to derive the state space model. The state-space model has the following form
This is a nonlinear state-space model because of the term
In a nutshell, the main idea of feedback linearization is to determine a control input
- Cancel the nonlinear term
on the right-hand side of the equation (6).
2. Assign (place) the poles of the feedback-linearized closed-loop system to desired locations such that the system is stabilized around the desired point.
In our case, we are interested in asymptotic stabilization of the control system around the stable equilibrium point
Here is the main idea of feedback linearization. We want the right-hand side of the second state-equation to be
The equation (9) is our feedback control law. Note that this is a state feedback control law that will “exactly” linearize the closed loop system. Although the closed-loop system will become linear, the feedback control law is still nonlinear. Let us substitute the control law (9) in our state-space model (6). As the result, we obtain
and consequently, we obtained a linear closed-loop system. That is, we have “exactly” linearized the nonlinear system.
The next task is to find the control system parameters
The closed loop system can be written in the following form
where the matrix
The characteristic polynomial is given as
Consequently, the characteristic polynomial is
Let us place the closed-loop poles at the following locations
Consequently, the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial is
The desired polynomial should be equal to the parametrized characterized polynomial. That is, the equation (15) and the equation (17) should be equal. Consequently, we have
From this equation, we obtain the parameters
Next, we explain how to simulate the system in Simulink. First, we simulate the system without any control. That is we simulate the equation:
The parameters for the simulation are
with the initial conditions
The Simulink block diagram is given in the figure below.
This block diagram solves the differential equation. The solution is shown in the figure below.
Next, we add a control input, and simulate the scaled step response. The equation we simulate is given below.
where we assume that
The simulation results are given below.
Next, we simulate the feedback linearization control law. The control parameters (19) produce the following control law
The block diagram corresponding to this control law is given below.
The response of the system is given below (theta variable).
As we can observe, the system is asymptotically stabilized. That is, the closed-loop system is asymptotically stabilized by the feedback nonlinear control law.