In our previous post and tutorial which can be found here, we explained how to solve unconstrained optimization problems in Python by using the SciPy library and the minimize() function. In this post, we explain how to solve constrained optimization problems by using a similar approach.
The YouTube video accompanying this post is given below.
We use the trust-region constrained method to solve constrained minimization problems. This method assumes that the problems have the following form:
is the n-dimensional vector of optimization variables is the cost function-
are the vectors of lower and upper bounds on the optimization variable -
are the vectors of lower and upper bounds on the linear term , where is a constant matrix of parameters. The compact notation(2)
represents a set of linear “less than or equal to” constraints. are the vectors of lower and upper bounds on the nonlinear vector function . The compact notation(3)
represents a set of “p” nonlinear “less than or equal to” constraints.
Here are a few comments about the above-presented generic problem. All the less-than or equal to inequalities are interpreted element-wise. For example, the notation
is actually a shorthand notation for
where for simplicity, we assumed
Then, the one-sided less than or equal to inequalities of the following form
are formally written as follows
In a similar manner, we can formally write other types of one-sided less than or equal inequalities.
In order to illustrate how to transform particular problems in the above general form, we consider the following optimization problem:
This problem can be compactly written as follows
Now that we know how to transform problems in the general form, we can proceed with Python implementation. First, we import the necessary libraries and functions
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.optimize import Bounds
from scipy.optimize import LinearConstraint
from scipy.optimize import NonlinearConstraint
We use the SciPy Python library and the functions minimize(), Bounds(), LinearConstraint(), and NonlinearConstraint() that are used to define and solve the problem. These functions will be explained in the sequel. But before we explain these functions, we need to construct our problem. Here, for simplicity of the implementation, we will not use the same coefficients as the coefficients used in (9). However, the structure of the problem is the same. We construct the problem with random vector
# define a random matrix A that is our data matrix
# select the right-hand side
Next, we need to define the cost function. We define the cost function as the following Python function
# define the cost function
def costFunction(x,Amatrix, Yvector):
return returnValue
Basically, this cost function for the given value of the optimization variable “x” and the matrix A and the vector
Next, we define the bounds, linear and nonlinear constraints:
# define the bounds
lowerBounds= -1*np.inf*np.ones(3)
#define the linear constraints
linearConstraints = LinearConstraint(matrixLinearConstraints, lowerBoundLinearConstraints, upperBoundLinearConstraints)
#define the nonlinear constraints
def nonlinearConstraintMiddle(x):
return x[0]**2+x[1]**2+x[2]**2
nonlinearConstraints = NonlinearConstraint(nonlinearConstraintMiddle, lowerBoundNonLinearConstraints, upperBoundNonLinearConstraints )
The bounds on
Finally, we can specify an initial guess of the solution and solve the optimization problem
## solve the optimization problem
# select the initial guess of the solution
# see all the options for the solver
result = minimize(costFunction, x0, method='trust-constr',
constraints=[linearConstraints, nonlinearConstraints],
args=(A, np.reshape(Y,(3,))),options={'verbose': 1}, bounds=boundData)
# here is the solution
We need an initial guess of the solution since we are using an iterative optimization method. The initial guess is specified on the code line 4. In our case, we use the Trust Region Constrained algorithm, that is specified by ‘trust-constr’. We can see all the options for the solver by using the function scipy.optimize.show_options(). We can see what are the parameters that we can change or adjust in order to achieve a better accuracy or to increase the number of iterations or function evaluations. We solve the problem by using the functioin minimize() on the code line 10. The first argument is the name of the cost function. The second argument is the initial guess of the solution. The method is specified as the third argument. The constraint functions are specified as the list, and this is the fourth argument. The fifth argument contains parameters that are sent to the cost function. These parameters are the matrix