In this post, we explain how to simulate a model reference adaptive controller in MATLAB. The motivation for creating this post comes from the fact that MATLAB implementation of model reference adaptive controllers is usually omitted in control theory books. However, implementation is far from trivial and there are a number of pitfalls that can potentially lead us to misleading conclusions. In this post, we focus on the adaptive control algorithm whose structure is determined using the so-called MIT rule. An excellent reference to adaptive control is
Åström, K. J., & Wittenmark, B. (2013). Adaptive Control. Courier Corporation.
This post is largely based on Chapter 5 from the above reference. In this post, we numerically simulate Example 5.2 from the above reference. A YouTube video accompanying this post is given here:
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A GitHub page with all the codes used in this post can be accessed here.
We focus on a simple first-order system, represented by the differential equation
The goal of the Model Reference Adaptive Controller (MRAC) is to compute the control input such that the system output is as close as possible to an output of a reference model. The reference model is a model that specifies the desired system behavior. That is, the output of the reference model is the desired system output that we want to achieve in practice. During the design process of MRAC, it is assumed that the reference model is known. Accordingly, for the model (1), the reference model is defined by the following equation
The goal of the adaptive control algorithm is to determine the parameters
For the development of the control algorithm, it is instructive to perform the following analysis. Namely, by substituting the control law (3) in (1), we obtain
The model (4) is a closed-loop control system. Let us now compare (4) with the reference model (2). If the parameters
then, we can conclude that the dynamics of the closed-loop system (4) is identical to the reference model (2). However, in practice, we do not know the constants
Loosely speaking, the MIT adaptive control rule aims at minimizing the following cost function
To decrease the value of
To compute these partial derivatives, we need to express
Consequently, from (4), we obtain
Consequently, using (10), the error can be written as follows
By taking the partial derivatives of (11) with respect to
The partial derivatives in (12) depend on the unknown system parameters
Consequently, we can use this approximation to approximate the unknown terms in the denominators of the expressions in (12). Accordingly, we have
Next, we substitute this approximation in (12) and as the result, we obtain
Finally, by substituting these partial derivatives in (8) we obtain the final expressions describing parameter changes in time
in this way
This filter will now have a unit steady-state gain.
The equations in (16) and the last equation in (10) describe the dynamics of the closed-loop system. These equations are written in the mixed time-domain and differential operator
This system of differential equations is coupled with the reference model equation (2) that we rewrite here for clarity.
For selected
To simulate the model (19), we need to transform it into a state-space model. First, we need to introduce state-space variables:
The state-space model is
Next, we explain the code for simulating the closed-loop system behavior. We assume the following parameters
This combination of parameters gives the following values of the converged parameters (see equations in (5))
These values of parameters will be used to verify the convergence of the algorithm.
The following code lines are used to define the reference model and to generate the reference input and reference output signals.
% MATLAB simulation of a model reference adaptive controller
% Author: Aleksandar Haber
% Date: April 21, 2021
% reference model parameters
% plant parameters (that are unknown during control design)
% final values of the parameters for verification of convergence
% reference model
Wm=tf([bm],[1 am])
tmax=100 % max simulation time
time=0:0.001:tmax; %time vector
% define a reference input signal
pulsew = 10; %pulse width
delayop= pulsew/2:pulsew*2:tmax; %delay vector
% reference input
% input reference signal
set(gca,'Ylim',[-1.5 1.5]);
% output reference signal
hold on
Code line 36 in the above code is used to generate the reference output signal by simulating the reference model.
The reference input and reference output signals are shown in Fig. 1 below.
The closed loop system dynamics is defined by the following MATLAB function.
function dxdt = dynamics_adaptive(t, x, um, ym, time_um,am,bm,a,b,gamma)
um_interp = interp1(time_um, um, t); % Interpolate the data set (time_um, um) at time t
ym_interp = interp1(time_um, ym, t); % Interpolate the data set (time_um, ym) at time t
This function takes as input the current time “t”, current state “x”, reference model control input vector “um”, reference model output vector “ym”, time vector “time_um”, parameters “am”,”bm”,”a”,”b”, and the control gain “gamma”. This function is a MATLAB implementation of the closed-loop system dynamics given by (23).
We use an interpolation approach for dealing with time-varying inputs “um” and “ym” in ode45 function simulations. More details about this approach can be found in this and in this posts.
The state trajectories are simulated by executing these lines of code.
% initial condition
% gain
[time1 state_trajectories] = ode45(@(t,x) dynamics_adaptive(t, x, ur, yr, time,am,bm,a,b,gamma2), time, x0);
hold on
hold on
We simulate the system response for three values of the controller gain
The reference model output and the controlled output of the plant are shown in Fig. 2 for
The convergence trajectories of the parameters
The reference model output and the controlled output of the plant are shown in Fig. 4 for
The convergence trajectories of the parameters
The reference model output and the controlled output of the plant are shown in Fig. 6 for
The convergence trajectories of the parameters
From figures 2-7, we can conclude the following
- The convergence of the parameters increases for larger values of
. For the parameters and approximately converge in 20 seconds to the values and . This shows that the controller works well and that the equations are properly implemented. - After the initial transients difference between the controlled output and the reference model output decreases as we increase
. However, for larger values of the control transients start to exhibit oscillatory behavior. This can be seen during the first 10 seconds in Figs. 4 and 6. Increased overshoot is the price we need to pay for achieving a better tracking performance.