Fusion of Engineering, Control, Coding, Machine Learning, and Science

How to Download and Run Locally Mistral Small 3 on Windows 11

The YouTube tutorial explaining how to install and run Mistral Small 3 is given below.

How to Download and Run Locally Mistral Small 3 Large Language Model - LLM - Super Fast Model

When to Use Mistral Small 3

We were able to successfully run Mistral Small 3 on a desktop computer with the following specifications

Installation Instructions

To install Mistral Small 3 we are going to use Ollama. The first step is to download and install Ollama. To download and install Ollama, go to the official Ollama website


and click on the download button to download the installation file

Once the file is downloaded, run it to install Ollama. After Ollama is installed, open a Command Prompt and type the following command


to verify the installation of Ollama. If Ollama is properly installed, the response should look like this

The next step is to download and install the model. To download the model, go back to the Ollama website, and in the search menu search for “mistral-small

then, click on the model link, and the following webpage will appear

Then, copy the command for installing and running the Mistral Small 3 model as shown in the figure below.

Then, open the command prompt and execute the command in the command prompt

ollama run mistral-small

This command will download and install the model. After the model is installed it will automatically run and you can start asking questions. To exit the model, press CTRL+d. If you want to run the model again, then type

ollama list

to list the exact model name. To run the model, you need to type “ollama run <model name>”, where <model name> should be replaced with the model. The command for running the model should look like this

ollama run mistral-small

that is the same command that was initially used to download the model. However, this time, since the model is downloaded, the model will only be executed.

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