Fusion of Engineering, Control, Coding, Machine Learning, and Science

Homework Assignment 1

Consider a robotic manipulator with two degrees of freedom shown in the figure.

The manipulator can rotate around axis for the angle of and around the axis for the angle of . Assume that , , distances and are given.

Your task is to

  1. Assign coordinate systems to every joint.
  2. Construct rotation matrices and homogeneous transform.
  3. Represent the coordinates of the end-effector point in the base coordinate system by using rotation matrices and homogeneous transforms.

Important notes:

  1. The submission deadline is Friday, January 28, at 12:00PM, during the class. Only printed copies will be accepted. Please do not email the homework assignments.
  2. You are expected to write equations, text, and graphs in appropriate software. Hand-written homework assignments will not be accepted. Latex software is a good option for writting the homework assignment, see for example the online tutorial given below.
  3. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
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