Fusion of Engineering, Control, Coding, Machine Learning, and Science

Draw and Move Rectangles in Python and Pygame

In this Python and Pygame library tutorial, we will learn

  1. How to draw rectangles in Pygame.
  2. How to move rectangles around the animation screen in Pygame.

The Pygame library is a powerful library for creating animations and computer games in Python. The Pygame library can also be used for animating the dynamics of mechanical systems, mechanisms, and mobile robots. The YouTube tutorial accompanying this webpage is given below.

Draw a Rectangle is Python and Pygame

Before we explain how to draw a rectangle in Pygame, it is important to understand the coordinate system orientation in the Pygame animation screen. The figure below shows the coordinate system orientation.

Figure 1: Coordinate orientation in Pygame and a rectangle with the reference point and width and height.

The coordinate axis direction is oriented downward. To define the rectangle in the Pygame library, we need to specify the coordinates of the reference point (top left corner), and the width and height of the rectangle.

The following Python script will create and plot the rectangle.

# Pygame tutorial for drawing a rectangle on the screen
# Author: Aleksandar Haber 
# Date: December 2023

# Before running this script make sure that you install Pygame:
# pip install pygame
import pygame

# we import time to display the animation screen for some time 
# and them we close the screen
import time

# This function is used to initialize all imported pygame modules.

# Set window size
size = width,height = 1600, 800

# This function is used to create a display surface
# it returns  Surface object to draw on
# Surface is used to represent any image.
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)

# create the color tuple for the rectangle
# the color is bright yellow

# over here we draw the rectangle
# x coordinate of the top left corner
# y coordinate of the top left corner
# rectangle width along the x coordinate
# rectangle height along the x coordinate
                   (int(xR),int(yR), widthR, heightR))

# This function is used to update Surface image

# sleep for 20 seconds

# to close the window

Here is the explanation of the above-presented script:

Animate Movement of Rectangle

The Python script shown below will move the rectangle along a straight line.

# Pygame tutorial for drawing and moving a rectangle on the screen
# Author: Aleksandar Haber 
# Date: December 2023

# Before running this script make sure that you install Pygame:
# pip install pygame
import pygame

# import numpy
import numpy as np

# This function is used to initialize all imported pygame modules.

# this function creates a clock object that is used to track time
# Set window size
size = width,height = 1600, 800

# This function is used to create a display surface
# it returns  Surface object to draw on
# Surface is used to represent any image.
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)

# create the color tuple for the rectangle
# the color is bright yellow

# cart width and height

# x and y coordinates of the top left corner of the rectangle

# initialize the frame index i 

# simulation while loop
while (i<len(x)):
     # Close window event
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            running = True
    # fill the surface with the background color -black 
    # this is used to erase the previous frame
    # if you do not call this rectangles from the previous 
    # frames will be kept
    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
    # draw the rectangle 
    # update the screen
    # introduce a delay
    # this is used to limite the runtime
    # by using for example 
    # clock.tick(50) once per frame, 
    # the script will not run faster than 50 frames per second.


The basic idea of this script is to animate the movement of the rectangle frame by frame. In every frame, we create a rectangle at the positions defined by the NumPy arrays and . The arrays and define a straight line. In the sequel, we explain functions that are not explained in the previous section.

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