In this mathematics, engineering, and calculus tutorial, you will learn how the derive one of the most important formulas and approximation techniques in engineering and applied mathematics. The name of this approximation technique is the Taylor Series expansion. The YouTube tutorials accompanying this website tutorial are given below.
First, we need to provide an answer to the following question: Why do we need to learn how to derive the formula for the Taylor series expansion? Yes, that is a good question. I am well aware that some professors and teachers advise their students either to memorize the formulas or to look them up in the tables. In my opinion, both of these approaches are fundamentally wrong, and by blindly following them, you will never be able to develop a logical and precise way of thinking that is very important for being a successful engineer, scientist, or physicist. By learning how to derive formulas you will develop a logical way of thinking and you will develop an ability to mathematically analyze physical problems and mathematically formulate their solutions.
Consequently, to help you to become better engineers, scientists, and physicists, in these lectures, I will teach you how to derive important formulas that every engineer should know. Also. derivations of these formulas should be understood as mental exercises that will help you to develop important analytical skills.
Let us consider a real function
is the
The Taylor series expansion is used for approximating functions. For example, we can approximate the function
or by using a higher-order polynomial
These approximations are illustrated in the figure below.
We can observe that as the order of the Taylor approximation polynomial increases, we obtain a more accurate approximation.
Let us now explain how to derive the coefficients (2). Let us expand the Taylor series formula:
We have
Consequently, the coefficient
From (8), we have
Formally, from the last equation, we have
Next, by taking the derivative of (8), we obtain
From the last equation, we have
By using the same principle, and by taking the derivative of (11), we obtain
From the last equation, we have
By using the same principle, and by taking the derivative of (13), we obtain
From the last equation, we have
By using this principle, we can show that the formula
is valid for any