In this control engineering and control theory tutorial, we introduce the concept of phase margin. We explain how to identify the phase margin from Nyquist and Bode plots. The YouTube video accompanying this post is given below.
Definition of the Phase Margin and Crossover Frequency
Consider an open loop transfer function
Definition of the crossover frequency: The crossover frequency
Definition of the phase margin: Phase margin is the angle measured in degrees by which the phase of
From mathematical point of view, we have the following relation for the phase margin, that is usually denoted by “PM”:
Intuitive understanding of the phase margin, crossover frequency, and recommendations
Roughly speaking, smaller the phase margin is, more unstable the closed-loop system is. This is because the phase margin is the angle distance from the critical stability point (-1,0). Control engineers ususally specify the desired closed-loop system stability and performance in the form of the phase margin specification. Usually, the lowest acceptable value of the phase margin is PM=30 degrees.
Also, as we will show in the follow-up tutorial, the phase margin is directly related to the damping ratio of the closed-loop system. Higher the phase margin, higher the damping ratio of the closed-loop system. In some sense, the phase margin can be seen as a measure of the robustness of the system. Namely, often in practice, we do not know accurately coefficients of the transfer function. That is, we do not know accurately the system model. By designing systems with sufficiently large phase margins for assumed transfer function parameters, we would ensure that the system remains stable if the actual parameters are different from the assumed parameters that are used to model the system.
The cross-over frequency is the measure of the speed of response of the system.
Let us now illustrate graphically how the phase margin influences the transient response and the stability of the system.
We consider three open-loop systems
We determine the Nyquist plot and closed-loop step response of these systems by using these MATLAB code lines
W1=tf(1,1*[1 1 0])
The Nyquist plots of open-loop transfer functions with phase margins together with the corresponding closed-loop step responses of these three systems are shown in the figures below.
Phase Margin from Bode Plot
So far, we learned how to identify the phase margin from the Nyquist plot. Let us now learn how to identify the phase margin from the Bode plot. Consider the following example
Let us generate the Bode plot. We use the following MATLAB code lines to generate the Bode plot.
w=tf(1,[1 2 0])
The Bode plot is given in the figure below.
Next, we explain how to identify the phase margin from this plot.
The first step is to draw a horizontal line from the 0 dB and to identify an intersection with the magnitude plot. This is because the phase margin is defined for the point at which
For the particular example, the phase margin is 76.3 degrees.